blackducktattoocompany Instagram post 18018941585308187 Instagram post 18043462346035234 ‼️ FLASH DAY ANNOUNCEMENT‼️ Designs are p Happy Birthday to you @_nicklevatino Instagram post 18021453827454249 ‼️ FLASH DAY ANNOUNCEMENT‼️ OCTOBER 5th - BREAKING NEWS! We got time for walk-ins all day lo Another great convention with the crew of The Blac The Black Duck will be closed today, April 4th unt FLASH DAY FUNDRAISER ANNOUNCEMENT: Saturday, Mar Tomorrow, February 16th, we will be closed to cele We would like to welcome the newest member of The Thanks for looking! Tattoo by @whothefuckisrobwhit Tattoo from Rob White @whothefuckisrobwhite #seld We would like to welcome the newest member of The Tattoo from Rob White @whothefuckisrobwhite #seld Instagram post 18019098611009155 Tattoo from Rob White @whothefuckisrobwhite #seld Tattooed by Rob White @whothefuckisrobwhite Load More Follow on Instagram